Portland, OR, 97220, for all of your Bone Density, Breast Imaging, CT, MRI, Ultrasound. Patients with involuntary hand tremors /shaking of the hands that may prevent clear imaging. Visit RAYUS Radiology Portland, OR Gateway at 233 NE 102nd Ave.Currently Clearview Mri Mount Scotts 4 physicians cover 4 specialty areas of medicine. Patients missing all or any part of a fingertip (excluding fingernail). Clearview Mri Mount Scott is a Group Practice with 1 Location.Patients actively being treated for cancer or with a previous diagnosis of cancer that required chemotherapy, radiation therapy or hormonal therapy.monitor) during subject testing with the ClearView Device Patients connected to an electrical device that cannot be removed or temporarily powered off (i.e.Patients with pacemakers or another implanted electrical device, such as an automatic internal cardiac defibrillator.
The patient or legal representative is able to understand and provide signed consent for the procedure.Patients who have had a blood test resulting in hs-CRP, fasting lipid panel and MPO results within 6 months prior to the ClearView Scan or plan to have the tests done within 14 days after the ClearView Scan.Patients who are recommended for and who have had a cardiac CT study that produces a Coronary Calcium Score within 30 days prior to the ClearView Scan or plan to have the CT within 14 days after the ClearView Scan.